ENGLISH POEMS / Anglické básne

Anglické básne a rým

Iný kraj – iný mrav (Different countries have different customs).
Angličania považujú za rým aj to, čo sa rýmuje vizuálne!


  • slaughter –  laughter /slo:tə – la:ftə/
  • lint – pint /lint – paint/
  • stone – none  /stəun – nan/
  • dove – move /dav – mu:v/

Nedbajú, že hoci sa to na papieri tvári ako rým,
pri čítaní sa to nerýmuje.

Pre nich to rým JE a BASTA!

Nazývajú to eye rhyme, visual rhyme alebo sight rhyme.

Tieto básne napísali v strednej angličtine alebo v čase renesancie. Pôvodne sa rýmovali aj zvukovo, ale dnes je už výslovnosť iná a rým sa stratil. Preto ich nazývajú aj historické rýmy.

Nasleduje zopár básní s videom.

  • Out in the Fields with God
BRONTE, Charlotte
  • Evening Solace
BURNS, Robert
  • To a Mouse

Keby sa Vám zdalo, že nerozumiete, tak to sa Vám nezdá, to je fakt. Báseň je totiž napísaná v škótskom dialekte – tu je Standard English Translation

FROST, Robert
  • The Road Not Taken
  • Sonnet 18
  • Upon Westminster Bridge
Rôzne básne:

I’ll never be on the cover of some glamour magazine.
I’ll never wear a crown or be a beauty queen.
There are days I look like hell,
There are days I show my age,
But in my heart… where it counts
I’m Beautiful all the same.
I might not save the world,
I’ll never cure some deadly disease
Won’t fly above the trees
But I’ll do my best to change the world a little each day
I’ll do my best to make a difference,
Touch the heart of someone as much as I can,
Make a mark on the world where it counts.
I know many who will try to put me down,
Many who would love to see me fail,
But I know who I am and that’s where it counts.


Listen to your heart
it will give you peace of mind.
Listen to your heart
leave all your cares behind.
Listen to your heart
for your mind sees just one way.
Listen to your heart
for it has alot to say.
Listen to your heart
the answer is so clear.
Listen to your heart
it holds all that is dear.
Listen to your heart
joy and love it does hold.
Listen to your heart
the answer will be told.
~ Author Unknown